WTA Opposes Mandatory Use of Broadband Fabric Data for ACAM/Alaska Plan Verification

Today, WTA responded to the FCC’s Public Notice requesting comment on “Leveraging the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric for High-Cost Support Mechanism Deployment Obligations.”

WTA opposes mandatory use of Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric data to adjust supported locations or verify compliance … Continue reading “WTA Opposes Mandatory Use of Broadband Fabric Data for ACAM/Alaska Plan Verification”

WTA Opposes RDOF Amnesty in Comments to FCC

Yesterday, WTA filed comments with the FCC expressing opposition to a request to waive all penalties for RDOF awardees who do not fulfill their build-out commitments so that those locations could be included in BEAD. The FCC asked for input … Continue reading “WTA Opposes RDOF Amnesty in Comments to FCC”

WTA Supports RLEC Exemption From Proposed Digital Discrimination Regulations

In comments to the FCC in response to its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on digital discrimination, WTA stated that, in light of the long nondiscriminatory service record of RLECs and the established legal restraints ensuring the continuation of this … Continue reading “WTA Supports RLEC Exemption From Proposed Digital Discrimination Regulations”

WTA Joins Industry Letter to FCC on E-ACAM Locations

On February 26, WTA joined NTCA and US Telecom in sending a letter to the FCC reiterating concerns about not abiding by the Order creating the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (E-ACAM) program, which made clear that initial E-ACAM … Continue reading “WTA Joins Industry Letter to FCC on E-ACAM Locations”

WTA Discusses E-ACAM Locations With FCC

On February 22, representatives from WTA and JSI met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economic Analysis to discuss concerns regarding the true-up of Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (E-ACAM) locations that is scheduled … Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-ACAM Locations With FCC”

WTA Expresses Concerns about FCC Plans for E-ACAM True-Ups

Today, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC Public Notice of January 25, 2024, on the Enhanced A-CAM Eligible Locations True-Up. In its comment, WTA states that the Public Notice departs from repeated FCC and Wireline Competition Bureau pre-election … Continue reading “WTA Expresses Concerns about FCC Plans for E-ACAM True-Ups”

WTA Discusses USF, 706 Proceeding, Open Internet, and other topics with FCC

On February 1, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss WTA’s filings in the Open Internet and Section 706 report proceedings and the FCC’s recent addition of Personally Identifiable Information to Customer Proprietary … Continue reading “WTA Discusses USF, 706 Proceeding, Open Internet, and other topics with FCC”