WTA Joins Industry in Sending Letter to Senate Leaders on Rip and Replace Funding

Today, WTA joined other industry trade associations in sending a letter to Senate leadership in support of the President’s request for $3.1 billion for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program. The letter urges Congress to include this funding … Continue reading “WTA Joins Industry in Sending Letter to Senate Leaders on Rip and Replace Funding”

WTA Applauds White House Supplemental Request for Affordable Connectivity Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 25, 2023) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband is glad to see the White House include funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in its supplemental spending request to Congress made today. The following statement can … Continue reading “WTA Applauds White House Supplemental Request for Affordable Connectivity Program”

WTA Files Reply Comments in USF Proceeding

Yesterday, WTA filed reply comments to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that accompanied the FCC’s Enhanced ACAM Order, which was adopted July 23. WTA noted that none of the entities that commented in the initial comment period opposed a monitoring … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in USF Proceeding”


Yesterday, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that accompanied its Enhanced ACAM Order, which was adopted July 23.

WTA stated that no changes should be made to CAF-BLS and other legacy support … Continue reading “WTA Comments on USF CAF-BLS NPRM”

WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband Honors Mark Gailey with Jack H Rhyner Award and Mike Reed with Associate Member Award

HELENA, MT – (September 12, 2023) – At its 2023 Fall Education Forum, WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband President Jimmy Todd presented Mark Gailey with the Jack H Rhyner Award.

Mark Gailey is President and GM of Totah Communications, … Continue reading “WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband Honors Mark Gailey with Jack H Rhyner Award and Mike Reed with Associate Member Award”

WTA Elects New President, Officers, and Directors

HELENA, MT – (September 12, 2023) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband is pleased to announce the election of its new officers for the coming two years: Pat McElroy, CEO/GM, Northeast Nebraska Telephone Co. (NE) as President; Matt Continue reading “WTA Elects New President, Officers, and Directors”