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WTA Concerned about 5th Circuit Ruling on Constitutionality of the Universal Service Fund

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25, 2024) – The statement below can be attributed to Derrick Owens, Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs, WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband:

“The Universal Service Fund plays an important role in making sure … Continue reading “WTA Concerned about 5th Circuit Ruling on Constitutionality of the Universal Service Fund”

WTA & National and State Industry Associations Express Concerns About BEAD Rate Recommendation

Yesterday, WTA joined a large group of national and state trade associations representing small and large broadband providers in sending a letter to the Secretary of Commerce expressing concerns that a “growing numbers of the hundreds of local and regional … Continue reading “WTA & National and State Industry Associations Express Concerns About BEAD Rate Recommendation”