Associate Membership Committee
The Associate Membership Committee focuses on the recruitment and retention of Associate Membership; provide assistance on technical issues and educational sessions and/or articles.
Board of Directors
The WTA Board is the governing body composed of one representative from each of the Category I states, up to three Category II members and up to two Associate Members.
Convention Planning Committee
The Convention Planning Committee is responsible for planning WTA’s spring and fall Conventions and assisting in obtaining the necessary sponsorships to host the spring and fall Conventions.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is delegated the powers and the authority of the full board when the board is not in session; deal with emergencies that require immediate attention; oversee the development of the Association’s budget and financial position of the Association; oversee yearly audit; develop the members dues structure and oversee the WTA Foundation.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee recruits and solicits potential members and encourages member participation in WTA events and activities.The Membership Committee recruits and solicits potential Category I and Category II membership and encourages member participation in WTA events and activities.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee reviews and recommends potential WTA members to serve on the Board as well as fill vacant Board positions. Review and recommend Board members interested in serving as officers on the Executive Committee
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee develops the legislative and regulatory policy position of the Association.
Rural Partners & Finance Committee
The Rural Partners & Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the Association’s relationship with USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and other lenders.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee oversees the scholarship awards, fundraising activities throughout the year and seek grants.
WTA Members are eligible to participate on committees.
If you or someone from your company are interested on any committees please contact us or call 406.443.6377.