Prior to the Christmas holiday, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC Wireline Competition Bureau and the Commissioner offices to discuss the association’s thoughts on the proposed Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 13, 2019) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband supports the effort by the FCC to create an easy-to-use suicide hotline with the passage of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking this week. The following statement can be … Continue reading “WTA Supports FCC Action on Suicide Prevention” 15:22:082021-01-09 18:52:27WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize 15:41:592019-10-17 15:41:59WTA Joins Rural Associations Calling for Video Buying Group Protections
WTA Meets with FCC WCB and Commissioner Offices Regarding RDOF
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesPrior to the Christmas holiday, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC Wireline Competition Bureau and the Commissioner offices to discuss the association’s thoughts on the proposed Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.
WTA indicated that some of its members
WTA Supports FCC Action on Suicide Prevention
/in Press Release /by wtaadvocatesWASHINGTON, D.C. (December 13, 2019) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband supports the effort by the FCC to create an easy-to-use suicide hotline with the passage of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking this week. The following statement can be … Continue reading “WTA Supports FCC Action on Suicide Prevention”
WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize
/in Press Release /by wtaadvocatesWASHINGTON, D.C. (October 25, 2019) – This morning, the FCC approved an Order on Reconsideration regarding its network performance testing rules approved last year. WTA was one of several entities that asked the FCC to revise its testing regime. The … Continue reading “WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize”
WTA Files Reply Comments in RDOF Proceeding
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesToday, WTA filed reply comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to create the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. WTA reiterated many of its thoughts from its initial comments, writing that the CAF Phase II Auction procedures
ILEC Representatives Discuss Network Testing with Chairman Pai’s Staff
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesOn October 18, representatives from WTA, USTelecom, NTCA, ITTA and and TDS Telecom held a conference call with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s staff about the draft broadband performance testing Draft Reconsideration Order. The ILEC representatives expressed their concerns regarding statements … Continue reading “ILEC Representatives Discuss Network Testing with Chairman Pai’s Staff”
WTA Discusses Draft Network Testing with FCC
/in Filing /by ekeberOn October 16, WTA met with staff from the office of Commissioner O’Rielly. WTA reiterated its support for performance testing that fairly and accurately measures speed and latency for a sample of the locations for which they have received CAF … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Draft Network Testing with FCC”
WTA Joins Rural Associations Calling for Video Buying Group Protections
/in Congressional Advocacy /by ekeberOn October 17, WTA joined several rural associations urging Congress to provide video buying groups used by smaller providers access to the same good faith protections afforded to large providers when it renews expiring satellite television legislation this year. In … Continue reading “WTA Joins Rural Associations Calling for Video Buying Group Protections”