
Rural Associations Request FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement

WTA and NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association have requested the FCC to waive a requirement adopted in the Lifeline Modernization Order that eligible telecommunications carriers receiving high-cost support offer standalone broadband service to their Lifeline customers.  Despite substantial reforms to the … Continue reading “Rural Associations Request FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement”

Rural Associations Seek Reconsideration of Certain Changes to the Lifeline Program

Today, WTA and NTCA filed a joint petition for reconsideration and/or clarification of certain aspects of the reforms adopted in the FCC’s Report and Order expanding the Lifeline program to include support for broadband service. The Rural Associations seek reconsideration … Continue reading “Rural Associations Seek Reconsideration of Certain Changes to the Lifeline Program”

WTA Comments on FCC’s Lifeline Modernization and Reform Efforts

WTA submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission in response to its Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking input on reforms to the Universal Service Fund’s Lifeline program, including expanding the program to include broadband services as Lifeline services. … Continue reading “WTA Comments on FCC’s Lifeline Modernization and Reform Efforts”