WTA Comments on Proposals to Facilitate Tribal Library Participation in the E-Rate Program

Today, WTA responded to the FCC’s NPRM on making it easier for Tribal libraries to participate in the FCC’s E-Rate program.  WTA recommends: (1) the simplification of E-Rate applications and processes to include only absolutely necessary information; (2) an increase … Continue reading “WTA Comments on Proposals to Facilitate Tribal Library Participation in the E-Rate Program”

WTA Applauds the Introduction of the Bipartisan Reforming Broadband Connectivity Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 28, 2023) – Today, Senators Amy Klobuchar and John Thune (R-SD), along with their colleagues in the House of Representatives led by Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO), introduced legislation that requires the Federal Communications Commission to, after submitting … Continue reading “WTA Applauds the Introduction of the Bipartisan Reforming Broadband Connectivity Act”

WTA Replies to Comments in Data Breach Notification Proceeding

Today, WTA filed reply comments in the FCC’s Data Breach Reporting Requirements proceeding. WTA reiterated its overall concern that because of the limited number of employees at its member companies, the FCC should coordinate its data breach reporting requirements … Continue reading “WTA Replies to Comments in Data Breach Notification Proceeding”

WTA Submits Reply Comments on Broadband Labels

On March 16, WTA filed reply comments to the FCC’s FNRPM on broadband labelling requirements. WTA reasserted its belief that the FCC should monitor and assess the impact of the just implemented broadband labeling requirements before considering or adopting additional … Continue reading “WTA Submits Reply Comments on Broadband Labels”

WTA Member Companies Meet with FCC about CAF-BLS and ACAM Modernization

Last week, WTA staff and representatives from WTA member companies met with all four commissioner offices at the FCC to express their support for adoption of the ACAM Broadband Coalition’s plan to modernize ACAM with higher speeds and additional support … Continue reading “WTA Member Companies Meet with FCC about CAF-BLS and ACAM Modernization”

WTA Comments on Data Breach Reporting Requirements

On February 23, WTA responded to the FCC’s NPRM on data breach reporting requirements. In its comments, WTA recommends that the FCC reassess its rules limiting the use of CPNI for marketing purposes, with the goal of eliminating or … Continue reading “WTA Comments on Data Breach Reporting Requirements”

WTA Supports Alaska Telecom Association Petition on Alaska Plan

On February 22, WTA filed comments in support of the Alaska Telecom Association proposal for updating and extending the current Alaska Plan. The revised Alaska Plan would commence as soon as possible during the current Alaska Plan term that ends … Continue reading “WTA Supports Alaska Telecom Association Petition on Alaska Plan”