WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 2, 2017) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband applauds the introduction of the Broadband Connections for Rural Opportunities Program (B-CROP) Act today in the U.S House of Representatives. This legislation would add a grant component to … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Introduction of B-CROP Legislation in House”
WTA and NTCA File Reply Comments on ICC Reform
/in Filing /by ekeberOn November 20, NTCA and WTA filed joint reply comments in response to the FCC’s proceeding refreshing the record on intercarrier compensation (ICC) reform. The two associations filed original comments on October 27.
In their comments, the associations “demonstrate why … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA File Reply Comments on ICC Reform”
WTA Joins Industry in Proposing Solution to AT&T Access Stimulation Petition
/in Filing /by ekeberOn November 17, WTA joined other telecom industry associations and companies in sending a letter to the FCC recommending the FCC adopt rules to “require carriers that are engaged in access stimulation to bear financial responsibility for all terminating switched … Continue reading “WTA Joins Industry in Proposing Solution to AT&T Access Stimulation Petition”
WTA Files Reply Comments In FCC Video Accessibility Proceeding
/in Filing /by ekeberOn November 13th, WTA filed reply comments in the FCC’s proceeding on the “Accessibility of User Interfaces, and Video Programming Guides and Menus.” WTA highlighted important points in the record – notably, the fact that large providers have developed their … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments In FCC Video Accessibility Proceeding”
WTA Joins Industry in Supporting Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses Regulated by the FCC
/in Congressional Advocacy /by ekeberToday, WTA joined its partners in the cable, wireless, and broadband businesses in expressing support for including H.R. 3787, the Small Entity Regulatory Relief Opportunity (SERRO) Act, in the FCC Reauthorization legislation currently being considered by the Energy and Commerce … Continue reading “WTA Joins Industry in Supporting Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses Regulated by the FCC”
WTA Applauds Introduction of B-CROP Legislation in House
/in Press Release /by ekeberWASHINGTON, D.C. (November 2, 2017) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband applauds the introduction of the Broadband Connections for Rural Opportunities Program (B-CROP) Act today in the U.S House of Representatives. This legislation would add a grant component to … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Introduction of B-CROP Legislation in House”
Industry Partners Sends Letter to FCC on 8YY Access Charges
/in Filing /by ekeberToday, trade associations representing small and mid-size ILECs and large and small cable providers, as well as carriers Frontier and Windstream, sent a letter to the FCC expressing concerns about moving to a bill-and-keep regime for 8YY access charges. In … Continue reading “Industry Partners Sends Letter to FCC on 8YY Access Charges”
WTA Meets With Wireline Competition Bureau
/in Filing /by ekeberOn October 27, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. They discussed the insufficiency and unpredictability of the high cost support mechanisms and budgets for RLECs.… Continue reading “WTA Meets With Wireline Competition Bureau”