WTA Discusses Video Issues with FCC Media Bureau

On October 25, 2017, Larry Frazier of Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative and Bill Durdach of WTA met with Media Bureau staff to discuss the issues small MVPDs face in the video marketplace including rising programming costs, retransmission consent, and the … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Video Issues with FCC Media Bureau”

WTA and NTCA File Comments on ICC Reform

On October 27, NTCA and WTA filed joint comments in response to the FCC’s proceeding refreshing the record on intercarrier compensation reform. In their comments, the associations respectfully urge the Commission to move cautiously before proceeding with further ICC reforms, … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA File Comments on ICC Reform”

WTA Meets With Commissioner O’Rielly’s Office

On October 23, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from Commissioner O’Rielly’s office. They discussed the Commission’s promised sixth-year review of the High Cost Support budgets adopted in 2011; the apparent pending plans to transfer the … Continue reading “WTA Meets With Commissioner O’Rielly’s Office”

WTA Files Comments in Response to WISPA in FCC’s Form 477 Proceeding

On October 24, WTA filed reply comments in the FCC’s proceeding examining its form 477 data request process in response to comments made by the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA). WISPA is requesting that wireless providers of fixed broadband … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Response to WISPA in FCC’s Form 477 Proceeding”

WTA Files Comments for FCC’s Annual Video Competition Report

On October 10th, WTA filed Comments in the FCC Media Bureau’s Annual Video Competition Report proceeding. WTA expressed its concern that small MVPDs’ inability to acquire programming at reasonable prices has made offering video services a losing proposition where companies … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments for FCC’s Annual Video Competition Report”

WTA Responds to FCC’s Review of Form 477 Data Collection Process

On October 10, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s FNPRM examining its FCC Form 477 data collection process. WTA supports moving to an annual reporting requirement instead of the current semi-annual requirement. However, WTA opposes the contemplated change … Continue reading “WTA Responds to FCC’s Review of Form 477 Data Collection Process”

WTA Meets With FCC Staff to Discuss Shifting USF Funds to Treasury and USF Budget Review

On September 28, representatives from WTA met with staff from the offices of Chairman Pai and Commissioner Clyburn. In both meetings, WTA expressed its concern about the lack of transparency associated with the shifting of USF funds to the … Continue reading “WTA Meets With FCC Staff to Discuss Shifting USF Funds to Treasury and USF Budget Review”