WTA Files Reply Comments on Access Stimulation

On August 3, WTA filed reply comments in response to the FCC’s June 5 NPRM on access stimulation.  In its comments WTA reiterates its support for “effective and narrowly targeted actions to counteract and stop inappropriate schemes to increase access

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WTA Supports NTCA’s Petition for Reconsideration in Call Completion Proceeding

On August 2, WTA filed comments in support of NTCA’s Petition for Reconsideration in the ongoing Rural Call Completion proceeding. In its Petition, NTCA requests that the Commission reconsider its decision to not require covered providers to file their documented … Continue reading “WTA Supports NTCA’s Petition for Reconsideration in Call Completion Proceeding”

WTA Meets With FCC to Discuss USF Budget Proceeding

On July 10, representatives from WTA and several of its member companies met with staff Commissioner O’Reilly, staff from Chairman Pai’s office and Commissioners Rosenworcel’s and Carr’s office and the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the open proceeding evaluating the … Continue reading “WTA Meets With FCC to Discuss USF Budget Proceeding”

WTA Supports ACA’s Petition for Waiver in Video Accessibility Proceeding

On July 10, WTA filed comments in support of the American Cable Association’s Petition for Waiver in the video accessibility proceeding. ACA requested waivers for two classes of QAM video providers as the December 20, 2018 compliance deadline approaches. WTA … Continue reading “WTA Supports ACA’s Petition for Waiver in Video Accessibility Proceeding”

WTA Discusses Nationwide Number Portability with FCC

On July 3, representatives from WTA met with staff for FCC Chairman Pai and Commissioners Carr and O’Reilly to discuss nationwide number portability (NNP) and WTA’s response to the FCC’s NPRM released last year.  In the meetings, WTA reiterated that … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Nationwide Number Portability with FCC”

WTA Files Reply Comments in USF Budget Proceeding

On June 26, WTA filed reply comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released on March 23. WTA reiterated its support for increasing the size of the USF high cost program budget needs to be “substantially increased … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in USF Budget Proceeding”

WTA Supports Keeping Data for Rural Call Completion

On June 19th, WTA filed reply comments in the Rural Call Completion proceeding. WTA raised its concerns with the Commission’s decision to sunset the data reporting rule and its current proposal to sunset the data recording and retention rules that … Continue reading “WTA Supports Keeping Data for Rural Call Completion”