WTA Files Application for Review of FCC’s Performance Testing Standards

On Sept. 19, WTA filed an Application for Review with the FCC of the Commission’s Performance Testing Standards.  In the Application, WTA requested that the Commissioners review the Bureau-level decisions regarding the amount of performance testing required, the scope of … Continue reading “WTA Files Application for Review of FCC’s Performance Testing Standards”

WTA Files Comments on RUS’ e-Connectivity Pilot Program

On September 10, WTA filed comments in response to the Rural Utilities Service’s Notice of Inquiry regarding its proposed e-Connectivity Pilot Program.

In its comments, WTA recommended that as RUS considers how to structure the Pilot Program, it should be … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on RUS’ e-Connectivity Pilot Program”

WTA Files Comments on FCC’s Broadband NOI

On September 10, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to its Notice of Inquiry on U.S. broadband deployment.

WTA stated that “fixed and mobile services of similar functionality continue to be complements – rather than substitutes — for

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WTA Meets with Chairman Pai’s Office to Discuss Performance Testing

On Sept. 5, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from FCC Chairman Pai’s office to discuss the mandated speed and latency performance testing for USF recipients.  WTA stated that it understands the need for accountability, but … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Chairman Pai’s Office to Discuss Performance Testing”

WTA Files Comments in 8YY Proceeding

On Sept. 4, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking designed to address arbitrage and fraud in the intercarrier compensation regime.  However, WTA believes that the “1,000 or so wholly innocent RLECs should not

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WTA Files Comments in Support of NTCA’s Lifeline Petition

On August 30th, WTA filed comments in support of NTCA’s petition to temporarily waive the Commission’s new minimum service standards for the Lifeline program. WTA agreed with NTCA’s assessment that the newly increased 18/2 Mbps standard will result in increased … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Support of NTCA’s Lifeline Petition”

WTA Files Comments in Support of Separations Freeze

On August 27, WTA, filed comments supporting the FCC’s proposed 15-year extension of the existing freeze of Part 36 jurisdictional allocation factors for rate-of-return carriers. WTA also asks the Commission to allow rate-of-return carriers to improve the accuracy of their

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