WTA Joins Letter Opposing Cap on USF

On June 11, WTA signed a letter with dozens of other stakeholders to the FCC expressing opposition to placing an overall cap on the USF.  The signers wrote that a cap “puts at risk the comprehensive mission of universal service … Continue reading “WTA Joins Letter Opposing Cap on USF”

WTA Files Comments on Nationwide Number Portability

On June 7, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s May 17 Public Notice requesting comments on the NANC Report Regarding Proposals to Implement Nationwide Number Portability.

In its comments, WTA reiterated its proposal that the FCC “start with

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WTA Files Reply Comments Opposing Relaxation of Top Four Prohibition

On May 29th, WTA filed reply comments opposing a relaxation of the Commission’s Duopoly Rule, which prevents a company from owning two broadcast stations among the top 4 in the same market. WTA warned the Media Bureau that broadcast consolidation … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments Opposing Relaxation of Top Four Prohibition”

WTA Meets with Commissioner Offices on Network Performance Testing

On May 7, representatives from WTA and WTA member companies met with FCC Commissioners Carr and O’Rielly, their staff, and staff from the offices of Chairman Pai and Commissioner Starks to discuss broadband network performance testing. The WTA representatives discussed … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Commissioner Offices on Network Performance Testing”

WTA Meets With Wireline Bureau on Network Performance Testing

On May 2, 2019, representatives from WTA met with staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the particular proposals presented by WTA in its letter of April 17.… Continue reading “WTA Meets With Wireline Bureau on Network Performance Testing”

WTA Supports Recon Petitions Filed by Silver Star Communications and Pineland Telephone Cooperative

On May 6, 2019, WTA filed comments in support of the Petitions for Reconsideration submitted by Silver Star Communications and Pineland Telephone Cooperative to the FCC’s December 13, 2018 Report and Order on the Universal Service Fund budget.… Continue reading “WTA Supports Recon Petitions Filed by Silver Star Communications and Pineland Telephone Cooperative”

WTA Presents Proposals to FCC on Network Testing Fixes

On April 17, WTA sent a letter to the FCC following up on previous conversations about broadband network testing. The letter contains specific proposals WTA recommends the FCC adopt to reduce regulatory burdens on small, rural broadband providers.  The proposals … Continue reading “WTA Presents Proposals to FCC on Network Testing Fixes”