WTA Comments on ARP Interim Rule for Broadband Funds

On July 16, WTA filed comments with the Treasury Department on its Interim Final Rules regarding the coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds approved in the American Rescue Plan (ARP).

In its comments, WTA recommended the Department focus its … Continue reading “WTA Comments on ARP Interim Rule for Broadband Funds”

WTA Shares Concerns On SHAKEN/STIR Acceleration

On July 9, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Third FNPRM on robocalls mitigation. The FNPRM proposes to accelerate by a year the implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication framework by certain small voice service providers deemed … Continue reading “WTA Shares Concerns On SHAKEN/STIR Acceleration”

WTA Discusses Budget Control Mechanism with FCC

On May 28, WTA staff met with staff for FCC Commissioner Starks to discuss the continued impacts of the Budget Control Mechanism on RLECs receiving CAF-BLS support through the High Cost Program. WTA shared insights into the negative effects that … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Budget Control Mechanism with FCC”

WTA Discusses Budget Control Mechanism with FCC

On May 28, WTA staff and member company representatives met with staff for Acting Chair Rosenworcel to discuss the continued impacts of the Budget Control Mechanism on RLECs receiving CAF-BLS support through the High Cost Program. The company representatives explained … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Budget Control Mechanism with FCC”

WTA Highlights NLAD Problems to FCC; Supports Waivers for Small Providers

On May 27, WTA sent a letter to the FCC highlighting technical problems many of its member companies have been encountering “in enrolling eligible households in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD)” for the purposes of the new Emergency Broadband … Continue reading “WTA Highlights NLAD Problems to FCC; Supports Waivers for Small Providers”

WTA Responds to LDT Broadband on Challenges of Serving Rural Areas

Today, WTA filed a letter with the FCC contesting LTD Broadband’s claim that “rural areas do not present the same challenges of deploying fiber [as many urban fiber deployments] because of the lack of in-ground infrastructure such as gas lines, … Continue reading “WTA Responds to LDT Broadband on Challenges of Serving Rural Areas”

WTA Recommends Increasing Speeds for USDA ReConnect Program

Today, WTA filed comments with USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) in response to its Final Rule asking for public input on certain aspects of it’s ReConnect grant and loan program. WTA recommended that RUS increase the minimum speed standard to … Continue reading “WTA Recommends Increasing Speeds for USDA ReConnect Program”