WTA Supports NTCA’s Petition for Reconsideration in Call Completion Proceeding

On August 2, WTA filed comments in support of NTCA’s Petition for Reconsideration in the ongoing Rural Call Completion proceeding. In its Petition, NTCA requests that the Commission reconsider its decision to not require covered providers to file their documented rural call completion monitoring procedures with the Commission. Agreeing with NTCA’s argument, WTA noted that increased attention on the issue by the Commission lead to a decrease in dropped calls and that the Commission’s new requirement that providers develop monitoring procedures is another step in the right direction. However, WTA added that the new requirement will be “toothless” if the Commission does not require providers to file the procedures because the Commission will be unable to verify that the procedures actually exist and improve call completion. Rather, the absence of a filing requirement returns the industry to the failed policy of relying on the good faith of the providers.