WTA Meets With FCC Staff to Discuss Shifting USF Funds to Treasury and USF Budget Review

On September 28, representatives from WTA met with staff from the offices of Chairman Pai and Commissioner Clyburn. In both meetings, WTA expressed its concern about the lack of transparency associated with the shifting of USF funds to the U.S. Treasury and the risks associated with putting USF funds in the U.S. Treasury along with general revenue funds.

In addition, WTA inquired about the sixth-year review of the High-Cost program budget that the Commission promised in the 2011 USF-ICC Transformation Order and during the ensuing Tenth Circuit appeal thereof. WTA understands that, at the very minimum, the Commission needs to order USAC to continue billing and collecting the full $4.5 billion amount of the High-Cost Program budget, and urges it to do so. WTA also believes that changes in broadband demand and economic conditions since 2011 require increases in the High Cost Program budgets.