WTA Joins Industry Letter to FCC on E-ACAM Locations

On February 26, WTA joined NTCA and US Telecom in sending a letter to the FCC reiterating concerns about not abiding by the Order creating the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (E-ACAM) program, which made clear that initial E-ACAM offer amounts would be adjusted to “reflect locations and broadband deployment that existed at the time the Enhanced A-CAM offers were made, but were not reflected in the Fabric or the National Broadband Map, and locations for which an enforceable commitment to deploy had been made prior to the Enhanced A-CAM offers but were not included in the National Broadband Funding Map.” The three associations believe that the FCC should start from version 3 of the Fabric and the June 30, 2023 availability data, with modification as may be necessary only to address pending BSL and availability challenges and limited updates to accommodate new locations that were not reflected in that data but were in place as of August 30, 2023.