WTA Files Petition for Reconsideration on Lifeline RAD

On January 27th, WTA filed a Petition for Reconsideration requesting that the Commission reconsider its decision to apply the same registration requirements to enrollment representatives directly employed by facilities-based ETCs despite the lack of evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse committed by enrollment representatives directly employed by facilities-based ETCs. WTA noted that there are significant differences between the enrollment representatives and sales agents that work for Lifeline-only ETCs and the enrollment representatives that work for RLECs and other facilities-based ETCs. Most notably, RLEC enrollment representatives have many other duties and responsibilities with respect to the general customer base, and devote only a small fraction of their work time to Lifeline enrollment and other Lifeline-related matters. They do not work on commission or have sign-up quotas, and hence, lack any significant incentive to commit the types of fraud previously described by the Commission and the Inspector General.