WTA Files Comments With FCC Regarding Barriers to Wireline Infrastructure Deployment

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to the NPRM requesting comment on how to streamline wireline broadband build-out. WTA’s comments focused on Section 214(a) discontinuation process and pole attachments.

WTA recommends the FCC declare “that deployment of fiber-based broadband IP voice and data services constitute an upgrade rather than a termination or replacement of copper- based TDM voice and data services, such that the discontinuance application and approval requirements of Section 214(a) do not apply to such improvements.”  In regards to pole attachments, WTA recommends the FCC (1) require pole owners to develop and maintain online data bases listing relevant information regarding their poles; (2) set a just and reasonable pole attachment rate formula for incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) attachers; (3) mandate reciprocal access by ILECs and competitive local exchange carriers (“CLECs”) to each other’s poles; and (4) establish an expedited process for the filing, consideration and resolution of pole attachment complaints.