WTA Discusses Lifeline Modernization and Reform with FCC

Last week, WTA and NTCA met with FCC staff and advisors to Commissioners O’Rielly, Clyburn, Pai, Rosenworcel and Wheeler to discuss impending reforms to the Lifeline universal service program. The Rural Representatives reiterated the need for coordination among the implementation of those universal service programs designed to encourage infrastructure investment (such as the High Cost Fund) and those directed at retail affordability of telecommunications services. The Representatives also urged the adoption of minimum service standards that allow for consumers to purchase service packages that meet their needs, are available, and affordable for the unique circumstances of each consumer. WTA continues to urge support for traditional voice service, both as a bundle with broadband and on a standalone basis. The Rural Representatives also urged for the Commission to adopt a much needed inflationary factor for the budget of the High Cost Program.