WTA Applauds Latta-Welch Resolution on Rural Call Completion

WTA applauds Representatives Bob Latta (OH) and Peter Welch (VT), Co-Chairs of the House Rural Telecommunications Working Group, for introducing a bipartisan resolution that expresses support for the common sense idea that voice calls to rural areas should be completed and that the Federal Communications Commission should pursue enforcement actions against carriers not following the law.

“Calls not completing in rural areas does great harm to consumers and businesses. We appreciate Rep. Latta’s and Rep. Welch’s attention to this issue and support this resolution,” said Derrick Owens, WTA’s Vice President of Government Affairs. “We encourage the House Energy and Commerce Committee to approve it and the full House to pass it.

A similar resolution was introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN) and approved by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation in December.

View full press release.