WTA, Allies File Comments on Call Completion FNPRM

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on rural call completion that was released last year. In the comments, the associations urge the FCC to implement its call completion Order “as quickly as possible and avoid taking any actions that might jeopardize successful implementation of current data collection and reporting requirements.”

The associations also suggest refraining from “requiring covered providers to separately identify autodialer traffic” and “from requiring rural ILECs to report incoming call answer rate (CAR) data, given that companies do not typically have the information needed to compute CARs.” The Comments also support imposing “registration and certification requirements on intermediate providers.” The associations recommend the FCC “focus its full attention on targeted enforcement actions against providers who unreasonably interfere with the ability of rural consumers to make and receive calls.”