
WTA, ERTA, Telcos Meet with FCC Commissioner Staff

On May 13, representatives from WTA, ERTA, Smithville Telephone Co., Burke’s Garden Telephone, and Hargray Telephone Co. met with staff from the offices of FCC Commissioner’s Pai, Rosenworcel and O’Rielly to discuss the proposed A-CAM for rate-of-return carriers.

A example … Continue reading “WTA, ERTA, Telcos Meet with FCC Commissioner Staff”

RLEC Representatives Meet With Commissioner O’Rielly at WTA Spring Meeting

On May 5, two groups of RLECs and other industry representatives met with FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly after he spoke at WTA’s 2015 Spring Meeting.

At both meetings, attendees discussed the proposed Alternative-Connect America Model (A-CAM) and Data Connection Services … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Meet With Commissioner O’Rielly at WTA Spring Meeting”

Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Data Connection Support Plan

On April 29, representatives from NECA, WTA, NTCA and several telecommunications companies met with staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the associations’ Data Connection Support (DCS) plan that would allow RLECs to receive support for broadband-only connections.

In … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Data Connection Support Plan”

Rural Associations Submit Materials to FCC on Data Connection Support Proposal

Today, NTCA, WTA and NECA submitted additional information to the FCC in support of the associations’ Data Connection Support proposal (formerly the Data-Only Broadband Plan). The information contains:

(1) an updated sheet showing the troubling disparity in what consumers pay … Continue reading “Rural Associations Submit Materials to FCC on Data Connection Support Proposal”

Rural Associations File Comments with FCC on Speed and Latency Testing

Today, WTA, NTCA, NECA, and the Eastern Rural Telecom Association (ERTA) filed comments in response to the FCC’s Public Notice seeking comment on a proposed methodology for measurement and reporting speed and latency performance by universal service support recipients.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments with FCC on Speed and Latency Testing”

Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Petition on Originating VOIP

Yesterday, representatives from NECA, WTA, and NTCA met with staff at the FCC to discuss a petition filed by NECA, WTA, NTCA, ITTA, ERTA, Windstream and Frontier to gain relief from reductions in intercarrier compensation associated with the exchange of … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Petition on Originating VOIP”

WTA Discusses Data-Only Broadband with FCC

This past week, representatives from WTA met with staff for FCC Commissioners Rosenworcel, Pai and O’Rielly to discuss the rural associations’ data-only broadband plan, Capital Budget Mechanism and e-rate reform. The notices of ex parte can be found below.

Meeting Continue reading “WTA Discusses Data-Only Broadband with FCC”