
WTA Members Meet with FCC Staff to Discuss A-CAM

On September 16, representatives from WTA member companies, consultants and staff met with staff from Commissioners Rosenworcel’s and Clyburn’s offices to discuss broadband build-out, the A-CAM, and the proposed bifurcation of old and new investment under rate-0f-return regulation. The notices … Continue reading “WTA Members Meet with FCC Staff to Discuss A-CAM”

ILEC Associations Send Letter to FCC on Capital Budget Mechanism

On August 31, NECA, WTA, USTelecom, NTCA, ITTA and ERTA sent a letter to the FCC proposing a modification in their proposed Capital Budget Mechanism that would ensure a greater proportion of USF support would be directed towards areas where … Continue reading “ILEC Associations Send Letter to FCC on Capital Budget Mechanism”

RLEC Associations Meet With FCC to Discuss USF Reform

On August 6, representatives from USTelecom, ITTA, NTCA and WTA met with staff from the FCC to discuss “technical assumptions for a preliminary bifurcated approach as has been suggested by the FCC in prior Public Notices.”… Continue reading “RLEC Associations Meet With FCC to Discuss USF Reform”

Rural Associations File Letter on A-CAM With FCC

Today, NECA, WTA and NTCA sent a letter to the FCC in response the FCC’s recent Public Notice on the Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM). In their letter, the associations express appreciation for “the visibility provided by this Public Notice … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Letter on A-CAM With FCC”

WTA Discusses “Two-Path” Approach to USF Reform With Commissioner Rosenworcel’s Office

On August 3, representatives from WTA met with staff from Commissioner Rosenworcel’s office to discuss the two-path approach to reforming USF distributions for rate-of-return carriers. The two paths include a voluntary A-CAM and a rate-of-return option.… Continue reading “WTA Discusses “Two-Path” Approach to USF Reform With Commissioner Rosenworcel’s Office”

RLECs Meet With Commission Staff

On July 14 and 15, representatives from WTA, Wheat State Telephone, and Wilson Communications met with staff from the offices of Commissioners Clyburn, O’Rielly, Pai and Rosenworcel. They discussed their broadband build out and stressed the need for reforms to … Continue reading “RLECs Meet With Commission Staff”

ILEC Associations Outline Process for Determining Unsubsidized Competition

Today, ITTA, NTCA, US Telecom and WTA filed a letter to the FCC outlining “proposals for streamlined processes pursuant to which an informed determination can be made of the extent to which ‘unsubsidized competition’ exists within a particular geographic area.” … Continue reading “ILEC Associations Outline Process for Determining Unsubsidized Competition”