
FCC Misses Opportunity on USF Contributions Modernization

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 25, 2024) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband is disappointed the FCC has not taken the opportunity to address the modernization of the Universal Service Fund contribution methodology in its approval today of the Order on … Continue reading “FCC Misses Opportunity on USF Contributions Modernization”

WTA Urges FCC Against Forebearing from Assessing Broadband for Contributions to USF

On April 17, representatives from WTA met with staff from FCC Commissioner Gomez’s office to support the removal of any discussion of forbearance in the draft Open Internet Order and instead to include the question of whether and how to … Continue reading “WTA Urges FCC Against Forebearing from Assessing Broadband for Contributions to USF”

Affordable Broadband Campaign, WTA Meet with Commissioner Carr’s Office on Contributions Modernization

On April 4, representatives from the Affordable Broadband Coalition, including staff from WTA, met with staff from the office of FCC Commissioner Carr to urge the FCC to not forebear from assessing broadband for contributions to USF in the event

Continue reading “Affordable Broadband Campaign, WTA Meet with Commissioner Carr’s Office on Contributions Modernization”

Affordable Broadband Coalition, WTA Meet with Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s Staff on USF Contributions

On April 1, representatives from the Affordable Broadband Coalition, including staff from WTA, met with staff from FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s office to urge the FCC to not forebear from assessing broadband for contributions to USF in the event the FCC … Continue reading “Affordable Broadband Coalition, WTA Meet with Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s Staff on USF Contributions”

WTA Discusses Open Internet, 706, and other proceedings with FCC

This week, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from the offices of FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel, and Commissioners Carr and Gomez to discuss various policy issues under consideration at the FCC, including WTA’s filings in the Open Continue reading “WTA Discusses Open Internet, 706, and other proceedings with FCC”

WTA Provides Comments to FCC on Title II Regulation of Broadband

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on reclassifying broadband Internet access service from an information service to a telecommunications service regulated under Title II of the Communications Act.

WTA opposes the … Continue reading “WTA Provides Comments to FCC on Title II Regulation of Broadband”

WTA Files Comments In Open Internet Proceeding

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding arguing that “whether the national broadband network is classified and regulated under Title I or Title II, it requires appropriate and economically feasible broadband interconnection and middle mile transport … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments In Open Internet Proceeding”