WTA Submits Reply Comments in Opposition to NCTA’s Petition for Rulemaking

WTA’s Reply CommentsContinue reading “WTA Submits Reply Comments in Opposition to NCTA’s Petition for Rulemaking”

RUS and NTIA Release BIP/BTOP Round II NOFAs

On Friday, January 15th, RUS and NTIA released two Notices of Funds Availability (NOFAs) providing details of the conditions on applying for grants and loans in Round II of the RUS Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) and BTOP Broadband Technology Opportunities … Continue reading “RUS and NTIA Release BIP/BTOP Round II NOFAs”

Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband

Today, WTA and OPASTCO released a statement urging the FCC to choose long-term solutions to ensure ubiquitous broadband availability in its National Broadband Plan.  The press release can be viewed here.Continue reading “Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband”

WTA Submits Comments in Opposition to NCTA Petition for Rulemaking

This afternoon, WTA submitted comments to the FCC in opposition to the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) petition for rulemaking to restructure the Universal Service Fund.  WTA’s comments recommend that the FCC “reject NCTA’s unwarranted and unsupported attempt to … Continue reading “WTA Submits Comments in Opposition to NCTA Petition for Rulemaking”

WTA Comments on Role of USF and ICC in the National Broadband Plan

Role of USF and ICC in National Broadband PlanContinue reading “WTA Comments on Role of USF and ICC in the National Broadband Plan”

WTA Files Comments with RUS/NTIA on Round II of Stimulus

On November 30th, WTA filed comments in response to the Request for Information from NTIA and RUS regarding the BTOP and BIP grant and loan programs.  The agencies are seeking information on possible adjustments to the programs as they move … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments with RUS/NTIA on Round II of Stimulus”

WTA, Allies File Comments on LSS Rule Change

On November 24th, WTA joined NECA, OPASTCO, ERTA and NTCA is filing comments supporting the Equity in Switching Support Coalition’s petition on changing the LSS rules.  The comments can be viewed here.Continue reading “WTA, Allies File Comments on LSS Rule Change”