USDA Now Accepting Applications for Community Connect Grants

Today, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein announced that USDA is accepting applications for grants to provide broadband access in rural communities currently without broadband service.  Information on available funding and application requirements are published on page 12017 of the March 4, Continue reading “USDA Now Accepting Applications for Community Connect Grants”

Rural Associations File Comments on Rural Broadband Report

Today, NECA, WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed comments at the FCC in response to the Commission’s Public Notice requesting comment on how to update and evaluate the 2009 Rural Broadband Report in light of the many broadband-related developments since … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Rural Broadband Report”

Communications Industry Responds to FCC on Lifeline Rules

On February 15th, a diverse groups of communications associations and companies, including WTA, sent a letter to the FCC’s Wireline Bureau in response to the Bureau’s attempt to create new Lifeline rules without the benefit of a public rulemaking process.  … Continue reading “Communications Industry Responds to FCC on Lifeline Rules”

USDA Rural Development Invites Applications For Rural Economic Development Funding

Today, USDA announced it is accepting applications for loans and grants to create jobs and spur economic development.  More information can be found here.… Continue reading “USDA Rural Development Invites Applications For Rural Economic Development Funding”

FCC Releases NPRM on USF and ICC Reform

On February 9th, the FCC released its NPRM and FNPRM on USF and ICC reform.  After it is published in the Federal Register, there is a 30-day comment period for the section pertaining to phantom traffic, access stimulation and … Continue reading “FCC Releases NPRM on USF and ICC Reform”

Rural Telecom Representatives Set for Further Engagement on FCC Efforts To Move Forward with USF Reform

Following remarks today by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, the rural associations released this statement.Continue reading “Rural Telecom Representatives Set for Further Engagement on FCC Efforts To Move Forward with USF Reform”