Rural Groups File Comments on Broadband Speed Information

On May 26, 2011, NTCA, OPASTCO and WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to a Notice of Inquiry about broadband speeds and consumer information.  The associations state that “voluntary industry ‘best practice’ regarding the presentation of broadband speed … Continue reading “Rural Groups File Comments on Broadband Speed Information”

Rural Video Providers File Comments on Retransmission Consent NPRM

Today, OPASTCO, NTCA, WTA, ITTA and RICA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on retransmission consent.… Continue reading “Rural Video Providers File Comments on Retransmission Consent NPRM”

Rural MVPD Group Submits Reply Comments to Library of Congress

Today, the American Cable Association, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed joint reply comments with the Library of Congress Copyright Office on the benefits of compulsory license and the harms threatened by its elimination.… Continue reading “Rural MVPD Group Submits Reply Comments to Library of Congress”

Rural Associations File Reply Comments on USF/ICC Reform

On May 23, 2011, NECA, WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO and over 30 state and regional associations filed reply comments to the FCC’s NPRM on USF and intercarrier compensation reform.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Reply Comments on USF/ICC Reform”

WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Comment on RUS Broadband Loan Program Rules

Today, WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA filed joint comments with RUS in response to the agency’s Interim Rules for the Broadband Loan Program.… Continue reading “WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Comment on RUS Broadband Loan Program Rules”

Rural Associations File Comments on Truth In Caller ID Proceeding

On May 3rd, NECA, WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA filed comments at the FCC in a proceeding on how the FCC should implement the Truth In Caller ID Act of 2009.  The associations recommended the FCC take advantage of the … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Truth In Caller ID Proceeding”