Rural Associations File Reply Comments on ICC Portions of FNPRM

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed reply comments on the intercarrier compensation portions of the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Reply Comments on ICC Portions of FNPRM”

WTA Submits Testimony on RUS Loan Program Budget

Today, WTA submitted testimony to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies on RUS’ Telecommunications and Broadband Loan Programs.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Testimony on RUS Loan Program Budget”

Rural Associations File Comments on Verizon Waiver Request

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA and OPASCTO filed comments on a petition by Verizon to gain a limited waiver of the FCC’s call signaling rules.  The rural associations “do not oppose grant of a waiver to Verizon that is limited to … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Verizon Waiver Request”

Rural Associations Meet With FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform

On March 8, 2012, representatives from WTA, NTCA, NECA and OPASTCO met with the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the associations’ positions regarding USF and ICC reform.  Notices of ex parte for both USF and ICC were filed.… Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet With FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform”

Rural Associations File Waiver Request for Lifeline Program

Today, WTA joined USTelecom, NTCA, OPASTCO, ITTA, and ERTA in filing a waiver request at the FCC, asking the Commission to waive the effective date of April 2012 for certain aspects of its Lifeline reform Order and extend it to … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Waiver Request for Lifeline Program”

Rural Associations File Comments on Intercarrier Compensation Reform Rulemaking

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding intercarrier compensation reform.

The associations urged the FCC to carefully evaluate end-user impacts and cost-recovery implications of ICC reform for rural … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Intercarrier Compensation Reform Rulemaking”

Rural Associations File Reply Comments to Oppositions to Petitions for Reconsiderations

On February 21, WTA, NECA and OPASTCO filed reply comments to the oppositions to the Petitions for Reconsideration of the FCC’s Order on USF and intercarrier compensation reform.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Reply Comments to Oppositions to Petitions for Reconsiderations”