WTA, Allies File Comments on Call Completion FNPRM

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on rural call completion that was released last year. In the comments, the associations urge the FCC to implement its call completion … Continue reading “WTA, Allies File Comments on Call Completion FNPRM”

FCC Grants Request for Extension on Study Area Boundaries Filing

Yesterday, the FCC issued an Order giving ILECs an additional 60 days in which to revise their study area data. Filers now have until March 17 to get their revised data to the Commission instead of having to complete it … Continue reading “FCC Grants Request for Extension on Study Area Boundaries Filing”

WTA Meets With Chairman Wheeler’s Office

On January 7, representatives from WTA met with Daniel Alvarez, Legal Advisor for Wireline issues for Chairman Wheeler to discuss the elimination of the QRA and alternative USF distribution methods. The notice of ex parte can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA Meets With Chairman Wheeler’s Office”

WTA and NTCA File Comments on Connect America Fund Cost Model

Today, WTA and NTCA filed joint comments on the Connect America Fund Cost Model (CACM).  Though the model is not intended to be used in RLEC study areas, the associations note that they have “a sincere and substantial interest in … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA File Comments on Connect America Fund Cost Model”

WTA, Allies, File Comments in Response to NCTA Application for Review of CAF Phase II Service Obligations

In their filing, submitted yesterday, WTA, NTCA, NECA and ERTA urge the FCC to dismiss NCTA’s Application for Review of CAF Phase II standards that would ensure that unsubsidized competitors are providing reasonable comparable, universal service before denying CAF … Continue reading “WTA, Allies, File Comments in Response to NCTA Application for Review of CAF Phase II Service Obligations”

WTA Congratulates Chris Nelson on Appointment to Chair NARUC’s Telecommunications Committee

WTA congratulates South Dakota Public Utilities Commission’s Vice Chairman Chris Nelson on his appointment to serve as Chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioner’s (NARUC) Telecommunications Committee.

“Through NARUC, state public utility commissions provide a vital voice in … Continue reading “WTA Congratulates Chris Nelson on Appointment to Chair NARUC’s Telecommunications Committee”

WTA Meets with Commissioner O’Rielly, Office of Native Affairs and Policy, and Diane Cornell

On December 18, Derrick Owens and Gerry Duffy, along with WTA President Mark Gailey and PPC Co-chair Bob DeBroux had three different meetings at the FCC. They met with newly sworn-in Commissioner Michael O’Rielly about the IP-transition, the QRA and … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Commissioner O’Rielly, Office of Native Affairs and Policy, and Diane Cornell”