RLEC Associations Ask FCC to Tie USF Speed Requirements to Section 706 Speed Objectives

On October 26, WTA, NTCA and USTelecom sent a letter to the FCC proposing that it “tether more closely the applicable USF broadband speed objectives to the Commission’s Section 706 broadband speed objectives.” Specifically, the associations propose that the FCC, … Continue reading “RLEC Associations Ask FCC to Tie USF Speed Requirements to Section 706 Speed Objectives”

RLEC Associations File Documents Related to A-CAM

On October 2, ITTA, WTA, NTCA and US Telecom submitted two letters to the FCC. The first detailed the consensus between the four organizations regarding how to distribute CAF reserves among carriers who opt for model-based support and basic build-out … Continue reading “RLEC Associations File Documents Related to A-CAM”

RLEC Associations Meet With FCC Staff on Reforming the High Cost Fund

On September 30, representatives from US Telecom, WTA, NTCA, ITTA and two consulting firms met with advisors to FCC Commissioner O’Reilly and Chairman Wheeler, as well as staff from the Wireline Competitor Bureau to discuss reforms to the rate-of-return portion … Continue reading “RLEC Associations Meet With FCC Staff on Reforming the High Cost Fund”

WTA Replies to Comments on Lifeline Reform at the FCC

Today, WTA filed replies to comments in the Lifeline Reform proceeding before the FCC. WTA again urged the FCC to avoid adopting reforms that would increase inefficiencies and reduce burdens and costs to providers and consumers, including by leveraging existing … Continue reading “WTA Replies to Comments on Lifeline Reform at the FCC”

WTA Files Comments on RUS Broadband Loan Program

Today, WTA filed comments with RUS responding to the Agency’s Interim Rule implementing the 2014 Farm Bill’s revisions to the Broadband Loan Program.… Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on RUS Broadband Loan Program”

WTA Members Meet with FCC Staff to Discuss A-CAM

On September 16, representatives from WTA member companies, consultants and staff met with staff from Commissioners Rosenworcel’s and Clyburn’s offices to discuss broadband build-out, the A-CAM, and the proposed bifurcation of old and new investment under rate-0f-return regulation. The notices … Continue reading “WTA Members Meet with FCC Staff to Discuss A-CAM”

Rural Associations File Comments in Response to Broadband NOI

On September 15, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s 2015 Broadband Notice of Inquiry.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments in Response to Broadband NOI”