WTA Supports Introduction of Legislation to Require FCC to Address USF Contributions Modernization

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov. 22, 2021) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband supports bipartisan legislation, S. 3236, introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and John Hickenlooper (D-CO) to require the FCC to complete

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WTA Supports FCC Clarifying that Tribal Libraries are Eligible for E-Rate Support

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking recommending the Commission update the definition of “library” in its rules to provide clarity regarding the eligibility of Tribal libraries and to promote increased participation … Continue reading “WTA Supports FCC Clarifying that Tribal Libraries are Eligible for E-Rate Support”

WTA Recommends Extending STIR/SHAKEN Deadline for Small Carriers

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC supporting the continuation, or in the alternative the further extension, of the existing extended deadline until June 30, 2023, of the requirement for small voice service providers with 100,000 or fewer voice service … Continue reading “WTA Recommends Extending STIR/SHAKEN Deadline for Small Carriers”

WTA Comments on RUS Telecom Loan Program Rules

Today, WTA filed comments in response to RUS’ request for comment on its Final Rule implementing changes to its Telecom Loan Program. WTA supports RUS’ decision to increase the minimum broadband speed to 25/3 Mbps and expand refinancing authority. WTA … Continue reading “WTA Comments on RUS Telecom Loan Program Rules”

WTA Applauds Passage of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov. 5, 2021) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband is gratified to see Congress pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which creates several new broadband programs that will go a long way to ensuring all … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Passage of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”

WTA Elects New President, Officers, and Directors

HELENA, MT – (October 6, 2021) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband is pleased to announce the election of its new officers for the coming two years: Jimmy Todd, CEO/GM of Nex-Tech (KS), as President; Pat McElroy, … Continue reading “WTA Elects New President, Officers, and Directors”

WTA, Vantage Point and Baca Valley Telephone Meet With FCC

On August 10, representatives from WTA, Vantage Point Solutions, and Baca Valley Telephone met with advisors to Acting FCC Chair Rosenworcel and Commissioner Simington about the challenges Baca Valley is facing having to begin paying back the amount given to … Continue reading “WTA, Vantage Point and Baca Valley Telephone Meet With FCC”