WTA Meets With FCC to Discuss Omnibus USF Order and FNPRM

This week, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from all five FCC Commission offices as well as staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss issues stemming from the April USF Omnibus Order and FNPRM including … Continue reading “WTA Meets With FCC to Discuss Omnibus USF Order and FNPRM”

Rural Associations Meet With FCC on Call Completion

On July 22, representatives from NECA, WTA and NTCA met with staff from Commissioners Rosenworcel and Pai’s offices to discuss ongoing problems with call completion in rural areas and ways the FCC can mitigate them.… Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet With FCC on Call Completion”

WTA Files Comments on Open Internet Proceeding

Today, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s NPRM on Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet. Specifically, “WTA opposes the proposed new enhanced transparency requirements because their potential informational benefits are outweighed by the significant drain they impose upon … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on Open Internet Proceeding”

Rural Associations Meet With FCC Staff on April FNPRM

On July 8, representatives from NECA, WTA, NTCA and USTelecom, along with representatives from several telcos and their consultants met with staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss “adoption as soon as possible of a thoughtful and carefully constructed … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet With FCC Staff on April FNPRM”

Rural Association, Carriers Petition FCC for Waiver of ICC Reductions

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA, ITTA, ERTA, Windstream Communications and Frontier Communications petitioned the FCC to waive further reductions in intercarrier compensation “for originating intrastate toll VoIP traffic until full implementation of the CAF Phase II mechanism, in the case of … Continue reading “Rural Association, Carriers Petition FCC for Waiver of ICC Reductions”

WTA and WITA speak with Commissioner Pai’s Office on E-rate

On July 2, representatives from WTA and the Washington Independent Telecommunications Association spoke with Nick Degani, Wireline Adviser to FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai. A copy of the ex parte notice can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA and WITA speak with Commissioner Pai’s Office on E-rate”

WTA Files Comments on the FCC’s Network Non-Duplication FNPRM

On June 26, WTA submitted comments on the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that sought input on whether it should eliminate or modify its existing network non-duplication rules related to the retransmission of broadcast television signals.… Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on the FCC’s Network Non-Duplication FNPRM”