Rural Associations Submit Comments to OMB on Rural Call Completion

On January 12th, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA submitted comments to the Office of Management and Budget as it considers the administrative burden of the FCC’s proposed rules on data retention and documentation of call completion rates. The associations conclude … Continue reading “Rural Associations Submit Comments to OMB on Rural Call Completion”

Rural Associations File Comments In Response to USTelecom Forbearance Petition

NECA, WTA and NTCA filed reply comments in response to a Petition filed in October by USTelecom requesting forbearance from a number of regulations applicable to ILECs that USTelecom considers “outdated.” The rural associations “request that the Commission defer action … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments In Response to USTelecom Forbearance Petition”

Rural Associations File Comments with FCC on Speed and Latency Testing

Today, WTA, NTCA, NECA, and the Eastern Rural Telecom Association (ERTA) filed comments in response to the FCC’s Public Notice seeking comment on a proposed methodology for measurement and reporting speed and latency performance by universal service support recipients.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments with FCC on Speed and Latency Testing”

Rural Associations Meet With FCC Staff to Discuss IntraMTA Wireless Traffic

On December 18th, representatives from WTA, NECA and NTCA met with FCC staff to discuss disputes and issues regarding purported intraMTA wireless traffic exchanged by interexchange carriers over access trunks.… Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet With FCC Staff to Discuss IntraMTA Wireless Traffic”

Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Petition on Originating VOIP

Yesterday, representatives from NECA, WTA, and NTCA met with staff at the FCC to discuss a petition filed by NECA, WTA, NTCA, ITTA, ERTA, Windstream and Frontier to gain relief from reductions in intercarrier compensation associated with the exchange of … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Petition on Originating VOIP”

Rural Associations File Comments on Part 32 Accounting Rules

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed comments on response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking reviewing the Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts. As stated in the comments, the rural associations support “reducing administrative burdens whenever possible … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Part 32 Accounting Rules”

Rural Associations Discuss Call Completion With FCC

On November 6th, representatives met with Commissioner Rosenworcel’s legal advisor to discuss rural call completion issues and express frustration that after more than a year since their adoption by the FCC, the record keeping and reporting rules have not gone … Continue reading “Rural Associations Discuss Call Completion With FCC”