WTA Responds to Coalition of RDOF Winners

Today, WTA filed in opposition to the Emergency Petition by the Coalition of RDOF Winners for waiver and “emergency relief” from the rules and procedures governing the RDOF Auction.

The principal issue at stake, as WTA previously argued in its … Continue reading “WTA Responds to Coalition of RDOF Winners”

WTA Discusses E-ACAM Order with FCC

On August 24, representatives from WTA met with staff from FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s office to urge the FCC to treat ReConnect grants as complimentary to E-ACAM support. Thus, locations that are being served by ReConnect grant/loan combinations would be eligible … Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-ACAM Order with FCC”

WTA Discusses Enhanced ACAM Order with FCC

On August 17, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss several topics related to the Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM) Order approved in July.

WTA believes that RUS ReConnect grants should be deemed to be

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WTA Reiterates Support for Alaska Plan Petition

Today, WTA sent a letter to the FCC reiterating its support for the Petition for Expedited Rulemaking filed by the Alaska Telecom Association in January 2023.

WTA urges the Commission to move forward expeditiously to consider and adopt an updated

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WTA Seeks Clarity and Provides Context on NG911 NPRM

On August 9, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Facilitating the Implementation of Next Generation 911 Services. In its comments, WTA sought clarity on whether the FCC and/or state and local authorities will: … Continue reading “WTA Seeks Clarity and Provides Context on NG911 NPRM”

WTA Expresses Opposition to Supplementing RDOF Support Amounts

In a letter filed today with the FCC, WTA expressed opposition to letters from a coalition of RDOF winners that seek substantial post-auction supplemental additions to the support amounts, as well as significant changes to the distribution schedules and other … Continue reading “WTA Expresses Opposition to Supplementing RDOF Support Amounts”

WTA Meets with Wireline Bureau on Enhanced ACAM/CAF-BLS Reform Order and Proposals

Yesterday, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the circulating Order and proposals to modify the ACAM and CAF-BLS mechanisms for small USF High Cost Program recipients.

WTA hopes that the ultimately adopted

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