WTA Supports Tribal Letter of Credit Proposal

On August 19, WTA filed reply comments in support of the National Tribal Telecommunications Association’s (NTTA) proposals to address and reduce the disadvantages imposed upon Tribal governments and Tribally-owned carriers by the FCC’s current and future Letter of Credit requirements.… Continue reading “WTA Supports Tribal Letter of Credit Proposal”

WTA Supports Extension of Separations Freeze

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC supporting the proposed extension of the existing freeze of Part 36 separations rules for rate-of-return carriers for six more years until December 31, 2030. WTA also asked the FCC to allow RoR carriers … Continue reading “WTA Supports Extension of Separations Freeze”

WTA Recommends Areas of Clarification in Response to Border Gateway Protocol NPRM

Today, WTA submitted comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Routing Security Risk Management Plan requirements. In its comments, WTA noted several areas in which the small, rural-based ISPs it represents need … Continue reading “WTA Recommends Areas of Clarification in Response to Border Gateway Protocol NPRM”

WTA, ABC File Petition for Recon on USF Contributions Forbearance

On June 21, WTA joined the Affordable Broadband Campaign (ABC) in filing a Petition for Reconsideration of the FCC’s decision in the latest Open Internet proceeding to forbear from applying Universal Service Fund contributions to be assessed on broadband Internet … Continue reading “WTA, ABC File Petition for Recon on USF Contributions Forbearance”

WTA Supports Temporary Increase in Tribal Lifeline Benefit

This week, WTA filed a letter in support of a petition to temporarily increase the USF Lifeline benefit for Tribal Lifeline customers from $25.00 to $65.75. When added to the $9.25 Lifeline benefit, the combined $75.00 Tribal/Lifeline benefit would match … Continue reading “WTA Supports Temporary Increase in Tribal Lifeline Benefit”

WTA Discusses RDOF “Amnesty” with FCC Chairwoman’s Office

On May 2, representatives from WTA met with staff from FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s office to discuss alternatives not involving waivers or amnesties that can incentivize RDOF awardees who cannot or will not build their networks to relinquish those awards at … Continue reading “WTA Discusses RDOF “Amnesty” with FCC Chairwoman’s Office”

WTA Urges FCC Against Forebearing from Assessing Broadband for Contributions to USF

On April 17, representatives from WTA met with staff from FCC Commissioner Gomez’s office to support the removal of any discussion of forbearance in the draft Open Internet Order and instead to include the question of whether and how to … Continue reading “WTA Urges FCC Against Forebearing from Assessing Broadband for Contributions to USF”