WTA Opposes USF Cap in Comments to FCC

On July 29, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to its NPRM proposing a cap on the Universal Service Fund.

WTA argued that the proposed cap will not only undermine the predictability and sufficiency promised in the 2018 … Continue reading “WTA Opposes USF Cap in Comments to FCC”

WTA Files Comments In Robocalls Proceeding

On July 24, WTA filed comments in response to the Commission’s Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in its robocalls proceeding. WTA advised the Commission that it must be cognizant of the barriers RLECs face in adopting the SHAKEN/STIR framework. … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments In Robocalls Proceeding”

WTA Files Comments On ACAM Location Adjustment Procedures

On July 19, WTA filed comments in response to the location adjustment procedures portion of the Public Notice released by the Wireline Competition Bureau on June 5, 2019. WTA argued that that there are significant differences between the Connect America … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments On ACAM Location Adjustment Procedures”

WTA Supports ACAM Location Petition

On July 10, WTA submitted comments in support of the Petition filed by Northeast Iowa Telephone Company and Western Iowa Telephone Association seeking clear guidance with respect to the definition and counting of “locations” for ACAM purposes where structures contain … Continue reading “WTA Supports ACAM Location Petition”

WTA Discusses Broadband Network Performance Testing with Wireline Bureau

On July 8, representatives from WTA and WTA member companies met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Bureau to discuss various concerns RLECs have with the FCC’s broadband network performance testing.  A notice of ex parte can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA Discusses Broadband Network Performance Testing with Wireline Bureau”

WTA Supports the Texas Carriers’ E-Rate Petition

On July 1, WTA filed comments in support of the Petition for Rulemaking filed by the Texas Carriers on May 22. In their Petition, the Texas Carriers request the Commission to initiate a rulemaking to review and amend Part 54 … Continue reading “WTA Supports the Texas Carriers’ E-Rate Petition”

WTA Meets with FCC Staff to Discuss Network Testing, ACAM II and Capping USF

On June 26, WTA staff and representatives from WTA member companies met with staff from the offices of Chairman Pai, Commissioner Rosenworcel, and Commissioner Starks to discuss broadband network testing, ACAM II locations and buildout requirements, and the … Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC Staff to Discuss Network Testing, ACAM II and Capping USF”