WTA Files Comments in Mapping Proceeding

On September 23, WTA filed comments in the Commission’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection proceeding. WTA advised the Commission that collecting more granular broadband data is an effective tool for closing the digital divide. However, WTA noted that the Commission must … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Mapping Proceeding”

WTA Files Comments on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

On September 20, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to create the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. In its comments, WTA stated that the “CAF Phase II Auction procedures that were previously employed in a

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WTA Files Letter with FCC on Access Stimulation

On September 18, WTA sent a letter to the FCC  stating that while it agrees with the FCC’s efforts to target specific access stimulation abuses and to defend the integrity of the intercarrier compensation system, it notes that the proposed

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WTA Supports NTCA Lifeline Petition

On August 30, WTA filed comments in support of NTCA’s petition requesting a temporary waiver of the Lifeline minimum service standard applicable to fixed, wireline broadband Internet access service. WTA agrees with NTCA’s argument that good cause exists under Section … Continue reading “WTA Supports NTCA Lifeline Petition”

WTA Files Reply Comments on USF Cap Proposal

On August 26, WTA filed reply comments in response to the FCC’s NPRM proposing an overall cap on the entire Universal Service Fund. WTA noted that many industry participants and other interested parties also oppose an overall USF budget cap … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments on USF Cap Proposal”

WTA Files Reply Comments in Robocalls Proceeding

On August 23, WTA filed reply comments in response to the Commission’s Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in its robocalls proceeding and the initial comments filed in the record on July 24, 2019. WTA again outlined its concerns with … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in Robocalls Proceeding”

WTA Discusses Lifeline Representative Accountability Database (RAD) With Chairman’s Office

On August 15, WTA met with Nirali Patel, Special Counsel to Chairman Ajit Pai, to discuss its concerns with the Lifeline Representative Accountability Database (RAD). WTA asserted that the new RAD needlessly puts the personally identifiable information of RLEC customer … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Lifeline Representative Accountability Database (RAD) With Chairman’s Office”