WTA Applauds Letter Signed by 36 Senators to FCC on Rural Call Completion

Today, Senator Senator Tim Johnson (SD) and 35 other Senators sent a letter to the FCC encouraging it to aggressively pursue voice service providers who are not completing calls to consumers and businesses in rural America.

The letter urges the … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Letter Signed by 36 Senators to FCC on Rural Call Completion”

Rural Associations Meet with FCC and Hill Staff to Discuss Call Completion

On November 14th, representatives from NECA, NTCA, WTA and OPASTCO met with the FCC to discuss the results of a survey that found that consumer complaints about occurrences of calls failing to complete to rural communities are steady or getting … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC and Hill Staff to Discuss Call Completion”

Members of Congress Send Letters to FCC on USF/ICC Rulemakings

Over the past month, Senators and Representatives have sent the following letters to the FCC regarding the USF/ICC Order and FNPRM:

April 3rd – Letter sent by Senators Mark Begich (AK) and John Thune (SD) and 17 other Senators

April … Continue reading “Members of Congress Send Letters to FCC on USF/ICC Rulemakings”

WTA Submits Testimony on RUS Loan Program Budget

Today, WTA submitted testimony to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies on RUS’ Telecommunications and Broadband Loan Programs.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Testimony on RUS Loan Program Budget”

Senators Send Letter to FCC on Call Termination

Today, Senator Tim Johnson (SD) lead a group of 24 Senators in sending a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski requesting he and the FCC take the “necessary actions to protect consumers and ensure that the widespread and frequent occurrence … Continue reading “Senators Send Letter to FCC on Call Termination”

Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on USF/ICC Reform

Yesterday, the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing entitled “Universal Service Reform-Bringing Broadband to All Americans” at which Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of NTCA, testified on behalf of the three rural associations.

Shirley Bloomfield’s testimony

Rural Association Press Release

Archived webcast Continue reading “Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on USF/ICC Reform”

WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO Send Letters to Leadership of Agriculture Committees on RUS and Deficit Reduction

Today, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO sent letters (click here for an example) to the Leadership of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees requesting that in their upcoming recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction they remember … Continue reading “WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO Send Letters to Leadership of Agriculture Committees on RUS and Deficit Reduction”