ICC and USF Reform Discussions Continue with FCC Chairman and Staff
exparte102208… Continue reading “ICC and USF Reform Discussions Continue with FCC Chairman and Staff”
exparte102208… Continue reading “ICC and USF Reform Discussions Continue with FCC Chairman and Staff”
exparte1020081… Continue reading “WTA Continues Discussions with FCC Chairman and Staff Regarding ICC and USF Reform”
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Plan 101008… Continue reading “WTA and OPASTCO File Joint Intercarrier Comp Reform Plan”
pressadelstein090908… Continue reading “Commissioner Adelstein Addresses WTA Members During 2008 Fall Annual Meeting”
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Each year the Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) hosts a silent auction at its Fall Annual meeting in order to raise money for the Bob Adkisson Memorial Scholarship Foundation. Mr. Adkisson was the former President … Continue reading “WTA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION – Monday, September 8, 2008, Seattle, WA”
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Call 406-443-6377
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Washington, DC 20004
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