
Rural Associations File Comments on CAF Funding

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed reply comments with the FCC expressing concern about the reliance upon the National Broadband Map as an arbiter of universal service fund eligibility and/or support levels.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on CAF Funding”

Rural Associations File Comments on Inaccuracy of National Broadband Map

On January 9th, NECA, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed comments with the FCC expressing concerns about the accuracy of the National Broadband Map and its use as an arbiter of USF eligibility and support levels.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Inaccuracy of National Broadband Map”

WTA Files Comments in Support of South Park Telephone’s Waiver Request

Today, WTA filed comments in support of member company South Park Telephone’s request for a waiver of FCC rules regarding monthly caps on USF support and caps on study area loop costs.… Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Support of South Park Telephone’s Waiver Request”

WTA, Alaska Companies Meet with FCC

On December 5th, representatives from WTA and two Alaska telcos met with FCC staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau and Chairman Genachowski’s office.  They discussed the difficulty in serving rural Alaska, the importance of USF and ICC to Alaska telcos … Continue reading “WTA, Alaska Companies Meet with FCC”

WTA, Other Intervenors, File in 10th Circuit

On November 20th, WTA and other rural associations and telecommunications companies filed a brief before the Court of Appeals, which is hearing the case challenging the USC/ICC Transformation Order.… Continue reading “WTA, Other Intervenors, File in 10th Circuit”

WTA Meets with FCC on USF/ICC Reform

On November 7th, representatives from WTA met with FCC staff from Chairman Genachowski’s office and the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss reforms to USF/ICC.  They also met with the legal advisors from the other four Commissioners’ offices.… Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC on USF/ICC Reform”

WTA Meets with FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform

On November, 1, WTA met with staffers for FCC Commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Pai regarding proposals to adjust various sections of the FCC’s USF and ICC reforms.… Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform”