
Rural Association, Carriers Petition FCC for Waiver of ICC Reductions

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA, ITTA, ERTA, Windstream Communications and Frontier Communications petitioned the FCC to waive further reductions in intercarrier compensation “for originating intrastate toll VoIP traffic until full implementation of the CAF Phase II mechanism, in the case of … Continue reading “Rural Association, Carriers Petition FCC for Waiver of ICC Reductions”

WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. – WTA applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) unanimous decision today to eliminate the quantile regression analysis (QRA), which had been used to unpredictably cap and cut Universal Service Fund support to rural local exchange carriers (RLECs).

“We’re … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support”

Rural Associations File Comments on Local Rate Floor

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA responded to the FCC’s Public Notice seeking comments on the Petition for Extension of Time of the implementation of the 2014 local service rate floor from July 1, 2014 to January 2, 2015. The Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Local Rate Floor”

Telco Associations File for Exention of Deadline for Compliance of Local Service Rate Floor

On March 11, NECA, USTelecom, WTA, ERTA, NTCA, and ITTA filed for an extension of the deadline for compliance with the new 2014 local service rate floor from July 1, 2014, to January 2, 2015.… Continue reading “Telco Associations File for Exention of Deadline for Compliance of Local Service Rate Floor”

FCC Grants Request for Extension on Study Area Boundaries Filing

Yesterday, the FCC issued an Order giving ILECs an additional 60 days in which to revise their study area data. Filers now have until March 17 to get their revised data to the Commission instead of having to complete it … Continue reading “FCC Grants Request for Extension on Study Area Boundaries Filing”

WTA Meets With Chairman Wheeler’s Office

On January 7, representatives from WTA met with Daniel Alvarez, Legal Advisor for Wireline issues for Chairman Wheeler to discuss the elimination of the QRA and alternative USF distribution methods. The notice of ex parte can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA Meets With Chairman Wheeler’s Office”

WTA, Allies, File Comments in Response to NCTA Application for Review of CAF Phase II Service Obligations

In their filing, submitted yesterday, WTA, NTCA, NECA and ERTA urge the FCC to dismiss NCTA’s Application for Review of CAF Phase II standards that would ensure that unsubsidized competitors are providing reasonable comparable, universal service before denying CAF … Continue reading “WTA, Allies, File Comments in Response to NCTA Application for Review of CAF Phase II Service Obligations”