
Rural Associations Reiterate Concerns about A-CAM

On July 15, NECA, WTA and NTCA a letter to the FCC reiterating their concerns, originally expressed in a letter of June 24, with the A-CAM as currently structured and suggested that the FCC “promptly take action to authorize … Continue reading “Rural Associations Reiterate Concerns about A-CAM”

WTA Discusses A-CAM With Commission Staff

On June 8, WTA staff and telco representatives met with staff from Commissioner Rosenworcel’s office to discuss the proposed reforms to the rate-of-return portion of the USF High Cost Fund. WTA reiterated its support for a two-path approach to reform, … Continue reading “WTA Discusses A-CAM With Commission Staff”

WTA Encouraged By FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai’s Remarks on Stand-Alone Broadband

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 30, 2014) – WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband is encouraged by the statement made by FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai in Omaha, NE yesterday regarding the need for reform of the Universal Service Fund distribution mechanism for small, rural … Continue reading “WTA Encouraged By FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai’s Remarks on Stand-Alone Broadband”

Rural Associations Send Letter to FCC Outlining A-CAM Concerns

On June 24, NECA, NTCA, and WTA sent a letter to the FCC outlining concerns the associations have with the proposed Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM). The associations write that “preliminary observations of the A-CAM have raised some concerns, indicating … Continue reading “Rural Associations Send Letter to FCC Outlining A-CAM Concerns”

RLEC Representatives Update FCC on Industry Progress Toward Rate-of-Return USF Reforms

On June 3, rate-of-return industry representatives submitted a letter detailing progress made toward developing a consensus framework for USF reforms for RoR carriers. The current industry proposal provides the option for carriers to voluntarily elect to receive model-based support or Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Update FCC on Industry Progress Toward Rate-of-Return USF Reforms”

RLEC Representatives Discuss Rate-of-Return USF Reforms With FCC

On May 27, individuals representing small, rural providers met with FCC staff, both from the Wireline Bureau and Commissioner offices, to discuss progress made on developing a CAF for rate-of-return carriers that would include a voluntary model and a … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Discuss Rate-of-Return USF Reforms With FCC”

RLEC Representatives Discuss RoR Reforms with FCC Staff

On May 20, individuals representing rate-of-return carriers met with staff from the FCC to discuss progress made in developing a USF reform plan for small, rural providers that includes both a method for companies to receive support for data-only connections … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Discuss RoR Reforms with FCC Staff”