Rural Associations File Opposition to PRFs on Rural Call Completion

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed in opposition to the Petitions for Reconsiderations of the FCC’s Call Completion Order filed by Sprint and Transcom. Transcom is petitioning the FCC to alter its ban on false ring tones so that it only applies to common carriers. Sprint is petitioning for reconsideration of the FCC’s decision to use data collected for enforcement purposes, release the call completion surveys submitted to the Commission for independent review, and reevaluate the reporting requirements and take into consideration an analysis of the costs to providers versus the benefits of the rules.

In addition, the rural associations urged the FCC to carefully consider the implications of the USTelecom/ITTA PFR. The associations state that this PFR “over broadly requests reconsideration/waiver of the requirement to include all intraLATA data in the call completion reports.” The associations urge that if the Commission does consider the USTelecom/ITTA Petition,  the Commission to narrowly tailors “any revisions/waivers to include only ‘on-network’ intraLATA traffic that is originated by the LEC’s retail customers and carried entirely over that originating carrier’s network or is passed directly from the originating carrier to a terminating carrier.”