WTA Submits Comments on Commission’s Notice on Impact of Middle and Second Mile Broadband Availability and Deployment

Impact on Middle and Second Mile Broadband AccessContinue reading “WTA Submits Comments on Commission’s Notice on Impact of Middle and Second Mile Broadband Availability and Deployment”

WTA Joins Comments Responding to USAC’s Request for USF Policy Guidance

USAC USF Guidance OPASTCO-WTAContinue reading “WTA Joins Comments Responding to USAC’s Request for USF Policy Guidance”

WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America

Today, WTA issued this press release congratulating RUS on its 60th Anniversary.… Continue reading “WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America”

WTA and Other Associations Make Recommendations to RUS and NTIA Regarding BIP/BTOP

On October 19, WTA, USTelecom, OPASTCO, NCTA, ITTA and ACA sent a letter to Assistant Secretary Larry Strickling at NTIA and RUS Administration Jonathan Adelstein outlining some concerns about the process by which incumbants can submit data to the agencies … Continue reading “WTA and Other Associations Make Recommendations to RUS and NTIA Regarding BIP/BTOP”

WTA Elects New Officers and Board of Directors

Bruce Todd takes the Gavel

HELENA, MONTANA – OCTOBER 7, 2009 – Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) is pleased to announce the election of its new officers for the coming two years: Bruce Todd, CEO Strata Networks in Roosevelt, UT as President; Jim Woody, … Continue reading “WTA Elects New Officers and Board of Directors”