Rural Telco CEOs Mike Foster, Ron Laudner Urge Responsible USF Reform

In separate op-eds in their local newspapers, Mike Foster of Twin Valley Telephone (KS) and Ron Laudner of OmniTel Communications (IA) informed readers of the serious problems with the FCC’s proposed reforms to the Universal Service Fund.

Read the op-eds:… Continue reading “Rural Telco CEOs Mike Foster, Ron Laudner Urge Responsible USF Reform”

Rural Telecom Associations Unveil New Campaign to Promote and Sustain Rural Broadband Access

On July 14th, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO issued this press release.… Continue reading “Rural Telecom Associations Unveil New Campaign to Promote and Sustain Rural Broadband Access”

Rural Associations File Comments on CALM Act Implementation

Today, OPASTCO, WTA and NTCA filed comments at the FCC in a proceeding on how to implement the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, legislation designed to moderate the volume of television commercials.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on CALM Act Implementation”

FCC Releases 2011 Rural Broadband Report

On June 22, the FCC, in consultation with RUS, released Bringing Broadband to Rural America: Update to Report on a Rural Broadband Strategy.

The 2008 Farm Bill required the FCC to submit to Congress a report describing a “comprehensive rural … Continue reading “FCC Releases 2011 Rural Broadband Report”

Call Termination Problems – Information Document

The Oklahoma Telephone Association put together a short summary document to assist its membership with alerting their communities to the recent spate of call termination problems.  OTA wanted to make it available for other rural telcos in other states.  Feel … Continue reading “Call Termination Problems – Information Document”

Rural Video Providers Respond to Video Competition Notice

OPASTCO, WTA, NTCA, ITTA and RICA submitted comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry into the “Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming”.… Continue reading “Rural Video Providers Respond to Video Competition Notice”

Sen. Byron Dorgan: Will the FCC stay committed to rural America?

Today, The Hill, published an op-ed written by former Senator Byron Dorgan (ND) on the subject of USF reform and the potential hazards of the FCC’s current proposal.… Continue reading “Sen. Byron Dorgan: Will the FCC stay committed to rural America?”