Rural Associations File Opposition to Petitions for Reconsideration of Order

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed an Opposition to certain Petitions for Reconsideration of aspects of the FCC’s Order on USF and intercarrier compensation reform.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Opposition to Petitions for Reconsideration of Order”

WTA Applauds FCC Action on Call Completion

Press Release PDF

WASHINGTON (February 7, 2012) – The Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) applauds the Declaratory Ruling on rural call completion issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday. The Ruling reminds carriers of the FCC’s “longstanding prohibition on blocking, … Continue reading “WTA Applauds FCC Action on Call Completion”

FCC Releases Declaratory Ruling on Call Completion

Today, the FCC issued a Declaratory Ruling seeking to address the problems rural carrier have had with call completion.… Continue reading “FCC Releases Declaratory Ruling on Call Completion”

RUS Posts Letter to Potential Borrowers

Today, RUS Assistant Administrator David Villano posted a letter on the agency’s webpage discussing new requirements for loan applicants for the current fiscal year.… Continue reading “RUS Posts Letter to Potential Borrowers”

Rural Associations Discuss Call Completion Problems with FCC

On January 25th, WTA, NECA, NTCA and OPASTCO met with representatives from from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Enforcement Bureau to discuss continued problems with call completion in rural areas.  A notice of ex parte was filed today.… Continue reading “Rural Associations Discuss Call Completion Problems with FCC”

Rural Associations File Petition for Clarification of FCC Order

On January 23rd, WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ITTA filed a Petition for Clarification to the FCC to inquire as to whether the new rules adopted last year permit carriers sufficient time to implement rate changes that would enable the carriers’ … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Petition for Clarification of FCC Order”

Senators Send Letter to FCC on Call Termination

Today, Senator Tim Johnson (SD) lead a group of 24 Senators in sending a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski requesting he and the FCC take the “necessary actions to protect consumers and ensure that the widespread and frequent occurrence … Continue reading “Senators Send Letter to FCC on Call Termination”