WTA Meets with FCC on USF/ICC Reform

On November 7th, representatives from WTA met with FCC staff from Chairman Genachowski’s office and the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss reforms to USF/ICC.  They also met with the legal advisors from the other four Commissioners’ offices.… Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC on USF/ICC Reform”

WTA Meets with FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform

On November, 1, WTA met with staffers for FCC Commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Pai regarding proposals to adjust various sections of the FCC’s USF and ICC reforms.… Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC Regarding USF/ICC Reform”

WTA Files Reply Comments in Support of Central Texas Telephone Co-op Waiver Petition

Today, WTA filed reply comments in support of Central Texas Telephone Cooperative’s request for waiver of the FCC’s regression model benchmarks that will limit the High Cost Loop Support the company receives.Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in Support of Central Texas Telephone Co-op Waiver Petition”

Rural Associations Discuss Problems With QRA With FCC

On October 17th, NECA, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO held a conference call with the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss various interim and longer-term options for addressing concerns with respect to the regression analysis-based caps on universal service fund support. … Continue reading “Rural Associations Discuss Problems With QRA With FCC”

Rural Associations Nominate Geoff Feiss to Serve on USAC Board

On October 3rd, WTA, along with NTCA and OPASTCO, formally nominated Geoff Feiss (Montana Telephone Association) to serve another term on the Universal Service Administrative Company Board of Directors as a representative of ILECs with annual reporting revenues of $40 … Continue reading “Rural Associations Nominate Geoff Feiss to Serve on USAC Board”

Associations Support TDS Petition for Waiver

On October, 1st, NECA, WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO, USTelecom and ERTA filed comments in support of TDS’s petition for waiver of FCC rules so that ”it may include in its Carrier Base Period Intercarrier Compensation Revenue the amounts owed to it … Continue reading “Associations Support TDS Petition for Waiver”

Rural Associations File Comments on Proposed Urban Rates Survey

On Sept. 28th, NECA, WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA filed comments with the FCC in its proceeding on a proposed survey of urban rates for fixed voice and fixed broadband residential services.  The FCC also seeks comment on how this … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Proposed Urban Rates Survey”