Rural Associations File Comments on Local Rate Floor

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA responded to the FCC’s Public Notice seeking comments on the Petition for Extension of Time of the implementation of the 2014 local service rate floor from July 1, 2014 to January 2, 2015. The Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Local Rate Floor”

WTA Applauds FCC’s Action on Reforming Retransmission Consent Rules

WTA applauds the FCC for adopting rules that prohibit joint negotiations by broadcast stations with different owners. “WTA welcomes the FCC’s common sense action today in prohibiting unfair negotiation arrangements between broadcast stations with different owners,” said Derrick Owens, WTA’s … Continue reading “WTA Applauds FCC’s Action on Reforming Retransmission Consent Rules”

WTA meets with Commissioner Clyburn’s Office on Video Issues

On March 24, representatives from WTA met with Adonis Hoffman, Chief of Staff and Senior Legal Advisor for Media issues for FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn to discuss the need for retransmission consent reform and for the FCC to address the … Continue reading “WTA meets with Commissioner Clyburn’s Office on Video Issues”

WTA Discusses E-rate Reform with FCC Staff

On March 18, representatives from WTA and Tenino Telephone Co. met with FCC staff to discuss reforms of the USF E-rate program.… Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-rate Reform with FCC Staff”

WTA Submits Comments on the FCC’s Video Competition Report Update

On Friday March 21, 2014 WTA submitted comments on the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry seeking information on the state of competition in the delivery of video programming for the Commission’s Sixteenth Video Competition Report.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Comments on the FCC’s Video Competition Report Update”

WTA Responds to Senate Commerce Committee’s Questions on Video Policy

Today, WTA submitted a response to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee’s questions on the proposed reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act and general video policy issues.… Continue reading “WTA Responds to Senate Commerce Committee’s Questions on Video Policy”

WTA Applauds Senator Johnson’s Bill to Address Problems of Rural Call Completion

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 13, 2014) – WTA applauds Senator Tim Johnson (SD) for introducing the Public Safety and Economic Security Communications Act of 2014, which would strengthen the ability of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to address problems with voice

Continue reading “WTA Applauds Senator Johnson’s Bill to Address Problems of Rural Call Completion”