WTA Files Comments on the FCC’s Network Non-Duplication FNPRM

On June 26, WTA submitted comments on the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that sought input on whether it should eliminate or modify its existing network non-duplication rules related to the retransmission of broadcast television signals.… Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on the FCC’s Network Non-Duplication FNPRM”

WTA Submits Response to Comm Act White Paper

On June 13, WTA submitted a response to the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s White Paper on Competition Policy and the Role of the Federal Communications Commission.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Response to Comm Act White Paper”

WTA and WITA meet with FCC on E-rate

On May 28th, WTA and the Washington Independent Telecommunications Association (WITA) met with the wireline legal advisers to FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel to discuss E-rate. The ex parte filings can be found here and here.… Continue reading “WTA and WITA meet with FCC on E-rate”

Rural Associations File Comments on Call Completion Waiver Requests

On May 12, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to two petitions for waiver by Midcontinent Communications and AT&T of the FCC’s recently adopted call completion rules. The associations state “each provider should conclusively demonstrate a minimum … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Call Completion Waiver Requests”

WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. – WTA applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) unanimous decision today to eliminate the quantile regression analysis (QRA), which had been used to unpredictably cap and cut Universal Service Fund support to rural local exchange carriers (RLECs).

“We’re … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support”

Rural Associations File Comments on Separations Freeze Extension

On April 16, NECA, WTA, NTCA, ERTA and ITTA submitted comments to the FCC in support of extending the freeze of Part 36 category relationships and jurisdictional cost allocation factors applicable to ILECs.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Separations Freeze Extension”