On May 13, representatives from WTA, ERTA, Smithville Telephone Co., Burke’s Garden Telephone, and Hargray Telephone Co. met with staff from the offices of FCC Commissioner’s Pai, Rosenworcel and O’Rielly to discuss the proposed A-CAM for rate-of-return carriers.
A example … Continue reading “WTA, ERTA, Telcos Meet with FCC Commissioner Staff”
RLEC Representatives Update FCC on Industry Progress Toward Rate-of-Return USF Reforms
/in Filing /by ekeberOn June 3, rate-of-return industry representatives submitted a letter detailing progress made toward developing a consensus framework for USF reforms for RoR carriers. The current industry proposal provides the option for carriers to voluntarily elect to receive model-based support or … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Update FCC on Industry Progress Toward Rate-of-Return USF Reforms”
RLEC Representatives Discuss Rate-of-Return USF Reforms With FCC
/in Filing /by ekeberOn May 27, individuals representing small, rural providers met with FCC staff, both from the Wireline Bureau and Commissioner offices, to discuss progress made on developing a CAF for rate-of-return carriers that would include a voluntary model and a … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Discuss Rate-of-Return USF Reforms With FCC”
FCC Releases Fact Sheet on TCPA Declaratory Ruling
/in Media/News /by ekeberToday, the FCC released a fact sheet on an upcoming declaratory ruling to be considered at the Commission’s June 18th open meeting. The declaratory ruling is intended to address a number of petitions filed with the Commission on various aspects … Continue reading “FCC Releases Fact Sheet on TCPA Declaratory Ruling”
RLEC Representatives Discuss RoR Reforms with FCC Staff
/in Filing /by ekeberOn May 20, individuals representing rate-of-return carriers met with staff from the FCC to discuss progress made in developing a USF reform plan for small, rural providers that includes both a method for companies to receive support for data-only connections … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Discuss RoR Reforms with FCC Staff”
WTA, ERTA, Telcos Meet with FCC Commissioner Staff
/in Filing /by ekeberOn May 13, representatives from WTA, ERTA, Smithville Telephone Co., Burke’s Garden Telephone, and Hargray Telephone Co. met with staff from the offices of FCC Commissioner’s Pai, Rosenworcel and O’Rielly to discuss the proposed A-CAM for rate-of-return carriers.
A example … Continue reading “WTA, ERTA, Telcos Meet with FCC Commissioner Staff”
RLEC Representatives Meet With Commissioner O’Rielly at WTA Spring Meeting
/in Filing /by ekeberOn May 5, two groups of RLECs and other industry representatives met with FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly after he spoke at WTA’s 2015 Spring Meeting.
At both meetings, attendees discussed the proposed Alternative-Connect America Model (A-CAM) and Data Connection Services … Continue reading “RLEC Representatives Meet With Commissioner O’Rielly at WTA Spring Meeting”
Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Data Connection Support Plan
/in Filing /by ekeberOn April 29, representatives from NECA, WTA, NTCA and several telecommunications companies met with staff from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss the associations’ Data Connection Support (DCS) plan that would allow RLECs to receive support for broadband-only connections.
In … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC to Discuss Data Connection Support Plan”