Rural Associations File Comments With Respect to the LEC Coalition Petition for Declaratory Ruling

Today, NTCA, WTA, ERTA and NECA filed comments with respect to a Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed by the LEC Coalition submitted last November in response to numerous federal district court lawsuits brought by Sprint and Verizon. The petition also … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments With Respect to the LEC Coalition Petition for Declaratory Ruling”

WTA Files Comments With RUS on Environmental Reviews

Today, WTA submitted comments to the Rural Utilities Service in response to its Public Notice asking for comment on how it can improve its Environmental Review process of telecom program loans.… Continue reading “WTA Files Comments With RUS on Environmental Reviews”

WTA Submits Comments to House Energy & Commerce Committee on Video Reform

Today, WTA submitted comments to the House Energy & Commerce Committee in response to its sixth #CommActUpdate white paper seeking input on regulation and developments in the video marketplace.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Comments to House Energy & Commerce Committee on Video Reform”

WTA Meets With FCC Staff to Discuss Open Internet Issues

This week, representatives from WTA met with staff from four of the five Commissioners’ offices to reiterate the association’s support for “limited Title II regulation for broadband IP services.” While WTA “does not advocate common carrier regulation of retail IP … Continue reading “WTA Meets With FCC Staff to Discuss Open Internet Issues”

Rural Associations File Application for Review

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed an Application for Review of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Order dismissing the associations’ prior Petition for Reconsideration of Bureau’s methods of establishing a local service rate floor. The associations argue that review of … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Application for Review”

WTA Congratulates Ed Buchanan’s Election to Chair NECA Board

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 14, 2015) – WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband congratulates Ed Buchanan of Interstate Communications located in Truro, Iowa on his election as Chairman of the Board of the National Exchange Carrier Association.

In addition, WTA applauds the selection … Continue reading “WTA Congratulates Ed Buchanan’s Election to Chair NECA Board”

Rural Associations Submit Comments to OMB on Rural Call Completion

On January 12th, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA submitted comments to the Office of Management and Budget as it considers the administrative burden of the FCC’s proposed rules on data retention and documentation of call completion rates. The associations conclude … Continue reading “Rural Associations Submit Comments to OMB on Rural Call Completion”